Friday 28 February 2014

Homework for 28 Feb

1 Reading Comprehension Worksheet

 ( Teacher will go through the paper on 


2 Revise Chapter1 and 4 for next week's 

topical test

3 Finish all corrections in Spelling book

Parents, please sign your sons' spelling 

books after you check his corrections.   

Thank you for your partnership.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Homework of 26 Feb

1 习字6, 星期五交
( Xizi 6, due on Friday)

2 准备听写5,明天听写
Prepare spelling5 for tomorrow

Chinese lesson for 25Feb

1 讲解第六课词汇,理解课文

Explain the vocabulary of Chapter6

作业 HW


Revise the meaning and usages of the 

 new phrases

Read aloug the passage fluently

Monday 24 February 2014

Adminstrative matters for 24 Feb

1  Spelling 5 will fall on this Thursday;
2 Next Thursday there will be Topical Test1 , so no spelling for this week. Details of the topical test are in the
   parents' letter.;
3 Spelling 6 will fall on Thursday of Week10;
4 Please buy 6B textbook and 6B Activity book if there are available;

Monday 17 February 2014

Chinese Lessons and supplementary class

1 完成第五课 语文宝藏

2 口语训练一,朗读和看图说话的技巧

   朗读  PSLE
   看图说话 PASS

Friday 14 February 2014

homework for 14Feb

1 习字5 (XIZI 5)
2 《活动本》第一到第四课改正 (Complete the correction in activity book from Chapter1 to Chapter4)
    (Parents, please sign on the content page after your child has completed all correction.)
3 《活动本》第五课从47页到52页。
   ( Complete activity book from P47 to P52)
(xizi and the exercise in activity book will be due on next Monday.)

Thursday 13 February 2014

Homework for 13 Feb

Completed teaching the vocabulary and text of Chapter5
Xizi 5 ( due date: Next Monday)

Monday 10 February 2014


吴恒旭 100
许文杰 100
林庆勋 98
张珉纶 98
陈俊恺 96
李恺斯 96
林楷伦 96
高哲旋 95
蔡东轩 95
黄凯 94
李佳益 94
陈富康 93
黄恒忠 92
蓝志铭 91
吴哲凯 91
林业峰 91
李顺凯 90

Homework for Today and tomorrow

1 完成《活动本》第四课 (到41页,深广部分可暂时不做)
Complete Activity Book in these two days. ( Only to P41) Due date: this Wednesday
Those who doesn't attend supplementary class can hand  it up on Thursday if necessary.
2 Vedio watched in supplementary class

Friday 7 February 2014

Homework for 7 Feb (weekend)

1 习字四(还没交的同学最迟星期一交)
2 作文2 第一稿 星期一交
《活动本》第四课 6R  INDEX no. 30  40
   作文二第二稿: 6R   INDEX no. 20  37  40     6T   Index NO. 3
3 习字3 6R  21

Thursday 6 February 2014

Answer Key for Activity Book ( Chapter2&3)

Homework for 6Feb

Homework: Xizi4  hand up tomorrow except those who has asked more time
Outstanding Homework:
The following boys haven't handed up the following homework:
Draft2 of Composition 1 : 
6R    20    37   40  
6T    3    16
Xizi 3
6R  19  20   21  37
Activity Book Chapter 3
6R 30   37   39  40

Wednesday 5 February 2014

用quizlet 复习第四课

到以下网址 ,复习第四课字词,你一定会喜欢!

Homework for 5 Feb

1 明天听写三,请做好准备!
Please prepare for tomorrow's spelling( Spelling3)